History of Reflexology

Earliest known evidence
The origination of Reflexology dates back to 2500BC. Egyptian papyrus ,(first writing material to have the properties of paper and thus ancient documentation), depicted medical ancient practitioners carrying out hand and foot treatment that may have been Reflexology.
Ankhamor was a physician in Ancient Egypt.
Wall paintings were found in his tomb dating back to 2330BC showed people receiving treatment on their hands and feet .
There is also evidence of foot and hand therapy been practiced in China in 2330BC.
In India, Ayurveda texts from 3000BC talked about the use of foot massage with ailments such as headaches and digestive issues.
Around 1000BC - Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal medicine has information regarding the points on the feet and their relationship to life force.
1300's- Marco Polo introduced Reflexology and massage to Europe after translating a massage book from Chinese to Italian.
1500-1572CE- Benvenuto Cellini- an Italian sculpter applied pressure to his fingers and toes to alleviate pain that was elsewhere in his body.
1582- Dr. Adamus and Dr. A'tatis published a book on zone therapy in Europe, investigating the theory of applying pressure to one area of the body to impact a different area. This theory of zones continued to develop and eventually led to Reflexology.
1917- William H. Fitzgerald MD- US - 'Father of reflexology'- His studies developed a system-10 longitudinal zones run from the top of the head to the ends of the toes and fingers. His research revealed that applied pressure to an area of a particular zone can impact another area of the body in that same zone.
Dr Riley- Zone therapy work was continued by Dr Riley - he practised the findings of Fitzgerald , working reflex points on the body including the feet and hands. He worked from diagrams that he had created showing these reflex points.
1930's-E Ingham - 'Mother of Reflexology' worked with Dr Riley. She developed Reflexology- she worked many hours practicing on the feet as they are foundation of the longitudinal zones previously mentioned. She produced foot charts and by applying pressure to specific points or reflexes on the feet she would be working on nerve endings in these areas of the feet that would impact specific locations in the body.